Thursday, 26 January 2012

Councillor's Viewpoint January 2012


David Cox and Martin Cockersole remain Chair and Vice Chair. In the last year they have lead Council to concentrate on 3 key issues:

1. Governance and financial performance reporting
A new accounting system has been introduced and we have worked successfully with the new audit team on the annual accounts and report. Council has agreed to the establishment of an Executive Committee empowered to take urgent decisions consisting of the Chair and Vice Chair, Chairs of the Management and Way Forward Committees plus the Honorary financial and legal advisors.

A schedule of Reserved Powers and Delegation has been drawn up and after several iterations has been approved by Council.

2.  Service standards and quality improvement
Complaints are at an all time low, however the restructured teams will need to be monitored to ensure that quality levels are maintained.

3.  Council's ways of working and culture
An Away Day for Councillors, held in the late autumn, resulted in a new set of objectives for Council and agreement on closer working with staff.

The major challenges for the current year are:

1. Charity
The negative approach of the Charity Commission of England & Wales is an unanticipated setback. We are taking this to review and will need to deal with issues as they arise.

2. Chief Executive Officer
The replacement of Kevin Mayne will provide a significant challenge. A smooth transfer and the establishment of good relations between the new CEO and Councillors will be essential.

3. Strategic Plan & Membership research
A full review of CTC strategy, following the changes in the economy and public spending, taking into account research into the critical insights of members' and potential members' perceptions of the CTC, will be a major challenge.


Membership structure and categories are to be fully reviewed by Management Committee.

Member Groups

Feedback indicates that the new structure is working well and a higher proportion of accounting returns were received on time this year.

Charity Registration

Following professional advice CTC has requested the Charity Commission of England & Wales to review their decision and a response is expected in April. Bearing in mind that the Ramblers Association, the Institute of Advanced Motorists and London Cycle Campaign have all been approved as charities, Council is optimistic that this approach will be successful.

Web site

Good progress is now being made, with the original contractor now out of the picture. The site has been tested and content is now being loaded. The main constraint being making staff time available for revising and updating input. It is now hoped that the website will be launched in April.

Finance and Organisation

As you will be aware Kevin Mayne has been appointed  Director of Development for the European Cyclists’ Federation, which represents cyclists' interests in Europe. As I write the CTC is in the middle of the selection process to appoint his successor. Over 150 people applied for the position.

The second phase of restructuring and staff reductions to reflect the reducing project income and increased costs in the coming years is now under way.

The audit by new auditors is now complete and no issues have been raised. The draft accounts and report are being reviewed before publication.


Membership continues to rise and in the East Midlands increased by 110 to 4,418 (+ 2.5%) as at January 2012. The national membership increased by 1,445 to 68,087 (+ 2.7%).

Volunteer of the Year

Nominations for these awards are needed and should be submitted by 17th February.  Non members can be nominated for some of the awards.  Details of the awards and nomination forms can be found at

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