There are many resources available at no cost on the web, although you will probably have to register to take advantage of them.
If you need a website Google Sites provides an easy way to set up a simple website - see An example of a Google Site is that of Loughborough Wednesday Cyclists - As you can see you don't have to buy a domain name if you don't want to.
An easy way to update the content of the site is to embed a Blog (such as the one you are currently viewing), which is again made available at no cost by Google. The ride reports on the Wednesday Cyclists' site is an embedded blog. It is very easy to set up the Blog so that many people can contribute. For more details see .
In addition Google provides Google Photos where you can store photo albums and link to albums or photos from the website. This archive site is a good example of this.
Another free resource is a Facebook Page . The Wednesday group also takes advantage of this resource - . Again you can store photos in the Page.